Sunday, June 16, 2024

Acupuncture, Chinese Medicine and Bioresonance therapy in the Summer

Tree of Life Acupuncture NYC Clinic

32 Union Square E #804, New York, NY 10003
              (917) 613-8810


Summer and Benefits of Acupuncture, Chinese Medicine, and Bioresonance Therapy. 

According to acupuncture and Traditional Medicine (TCM), summer is associated with the fire element and the heart. Acupuncture and holistic therapies offered at our clinic can help balance the body’s energy (Qi), ensuring that the heart and other organs function optimally during the hot months.

Combining acupuncture, Chinese Herbsbioresonance therapy, and Ozone therapy can provide a multilayer powerful therapeutic approach to maintaining your health and well-being during the summer. Each modality offers unique benefits, and together they can address a wide range of summer-related health concerns like insomnia, stress, and heart issues (irregular heartbeat, accelerated heartbeat, breathing etc.)

Acupuncture Bioresonance in NYC

acupuncture summer

  1. Balancing Qi: Acupuncture helps balance the body's energy, ensuring the proper functioning of organs, especially the heart, associated with the summer season in TCM.
  2. Balancing Yin and Yang: Specific acupuncture points can help cool the body and prevent heat-related issues like heatstroke.
  3. Boosting Immunity: Strengthens the immune system to fend off summer infections.
  4. Improving Digestion: Supports digestive health, which can be affected by the summer heat.
  5. Enhancing Mood/Reducing Stress: Reduces stress and promotes better sleep, which can be disrupted by longer days and increased activity.

Key Acupuncture Points:

  • Heart 7 (Shenmen): Spirits door on the heart channel. Calms the mind and helps with insomnia and anxiety.
  • Pericardium 6 (Neiguan): Eases nausea and anxiety and helps reduce insomnia.
  • Large Intestine 4 (Hegu): Relieves headaches and stress, helps the body detox and benefits the liver.
  • Spleen 6 (Sanyinjiao): Supports digestion alleviates fatigue and balances hormones.
  • Stomach 36 (Zusanli): Boosts energy and immunity.

Chinese Medicine in Summer


  1. Hydration and Cooling: Emphasizes the importance of staying hydrated and consuming cooling foods.
  2. Herbal Remedies: Uses herbs to detoxify the body and manage summer ailments like heat rashes and sunburn.
  3. Balancing Internal Heat: Helps manage the body's internal heat to prevent conditions like heatstroke.

Dietary Recommendations:

  • Hydrating Foods: Cucumbers, watermelon (organic watermelon is the best summer fruit), leafy greens.
  • Cooling Foods: Melons, berries, mint.
  • Avoid Overheating Foods: Spicy, fried, and greasy foods, eat less meat (as meats have warm energy)

  • Chinese Herbal Remedies:
  • Honeysuckle (Jin Yin Hua): Clears heat and toxins (often used in COVID herbal formulas)
  • Chrysanthemum (Ju Hua): Cools the body and supports eye health.
  • Mint (Bo He): Cools and aids digestion.
  • Licorice (Gan Cao): Balances other herbs and supports digestion.

Bioresonance Therapy in Summer


bioresonance NYC


  1. Managing Allergies: Identifies and treats specific allergens, reducing symptoms.
  2. Detoxification: Helps detoxify the body (liver, lymphatic system), promoting overall health and reducing fatigue.
  3. Boosting Immunity: Strengthens the immune system to prevent summer ailments and boost health in general.
  4. Improving Digestion: Balances the digestive system to alleviate bloating and indigestion.
  5. Enhancing Energy Levels: Boosts energy to help you stay active and in peak performance.
  6. Balancing Mood: Manages stress and anxiety, promoting a calm mood.


  • Heat Management: Regulates the body's response to heat, preventing heat-related issues.
  • Skin Health: Manages conditions like eczema, psoriasis, and sunburn.
  • Respiratory Health: Improves lung function and reduces symptoms of respiratory issues.

ozone therapy

Ozone therapy is believed to have anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and anti-viral properties, and it can be used to treat many conditions, including chronic pain, arthritis, and more. Ozone therapy is a safe and effective way to improve overall health and longevity, and it can be used in conjunction with acupuncture and bioresonance services to maximize the benefits.

Integrative Holistic Health Approach

  1. Regular Sessions: Consistent treatments with acupuncture, Chinese medicine, and bioresonance therapy can help maintain balance and prevent health issues.
  2. Customized Plans: Work with practitioners to create a treatment plan tailored to your needs.
  3. Complementary Therapies: Combine treatments for enhanced benefits.
  4. Healthy Lifestyle: Support treatments with proper hydration, a balanced diet, moderate exercise, and stress management.


Combining acupuncture, Chinese medicine, Ozone therapy, and bioresonance therapy can provide a holistic approach to maintaining health and well-being during the summer. Each modality complements the others, offering a comprehensive strategy to address the season's unique challenges. Always consult with your MD regarding your medical condition.  

Copyright 2024 Tree of Life Acupuncture, P.C. New York, NY. All rights reserved. This newsletter and al information contained in it is for information purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent nor are they substitute for medical care. Bioresonance, electromagnetic microcurrent and frequency therapy components are popular in Europe. They are considered experimental and are not evaluated by the FDA/ AMA. No claim or guarantee of cure or relief of conditions was/ is given. Please consult with a medical doctor regarding your medical conditions and treatments. Disclaimer is available by clicking this link:

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

The Benefits of Acupuncture and Bioresonance at Union Square NYC

Acupuncture, ozone therapy and bioresonance services can provide an array of benefits for people living in New York City.

At Tree of Life Acupuncture Clinic in Union Square,

these treatments can be used to address a variety of ailments, from physical to mental. This article will explore the benefits of acupuncture and bioresonance services and why they are becoming increasingly popular in NYC.

What is acupuncture?

Acupuncture is the stimulation of nerve-rich areas (acupoints) with thin, disposable stainless needles for a therapeutic effect on the body.

At our clinic, we use Master Tung's acupuncture powerful system, with few needles to give our clients the best results we delivered for the past 30 years.

Biofeedback therapy NYCPEMF Therapy in NYCBioresonance therapy NYCCupping therapy NYC
Acupuncture of Master Tung NYCOzone therapy NYCFertility Treatments

What is bioresonance?

  • A therapeutic modality that uses electromagnetic pulses to stimulate the body’s own healing process.
  • A non-invasive technique that can be used to treat a variety of physical and psychological conditions.
  • A therapeutic approach that works by restoring the body’s energy balance.

Health Benefits of Acupuncture

  • Reducing pain and inflammation.
  • Improving digestion and circulation.
  • Boosting the immune system.


  • Detoxifying the body and removing toxins.
  • Improving immunity and reducing stress.
  • Boosting energy levels and improving sleep.


  • Acupuncture and bioresonance are both beneficial therapeutic modalities that can help restore health and balance.
  • Both methods are non-invasive and have been used for centuries to treat a variety of physical and psychological conditions.

Both therapies can be used to improve overall health and well-being.

Acupuncture and bioresonance services are becoming increasingly popular in Union Square NYC. These therapies offer a variety of benefits, from reducing stress and anxiety to improving physical and mental health. Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese practice that involves the insertion of thin needles into specific points on the body to stimulate the body’s natural healing processes. Bioresonance is a modern therapy that uses electromagnetic waves to stimulate the body’s natural healing processes. Both therapies can be used to improve overall health and well-being.

At Union Square NYC, there are a number of experienced practitioners who offer both acupuncture and bioresonance services. These practitioners are highly trained and experienced in providing these therapies, and they can help you to achieve your health and wellness goals. Acupuncture and bioresonance can be used to treat a variety of conditions, including chronic pain, stress, anxiety, depression, and more. They can also be used to improve overall health and well-being, as well as to reduce the risk of certain diseases.

If you are looking for a way to improve your health, then acupuncture and bioresonance services at our clinic in Manhattan may be the perfect solution. These therapies can help to reduce stress and anxiety, improve physical and mental health, and even reduce the risk of certain diseases. With experienced practitioners and a wide range of services, Tree of Life Acupuncture Clinic is the perfect place to find the help you need.

In addition to acupuncture and bioresonance services our NYC clinic also offers ozone therapy. Ozone therapy is a form of alternative medicine that uses ozone gas to treat a variety of conditions.

Ozone therapy is believed to have anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and anti-viral properties, and it can be used to treat a variety of conditions, including chronic pain, arthritis, and more. Ozone therapy is a safe and effective way to improve overall health and longevity, and it can be used in conjunction with acupuncture and bioresonance services to maximize the benefits.

Copyright 2023 Tree of Life Acupuncture, P.C. New York, NY. All rights reserved. This newsletter and al information contained in it is for information purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent nor are they substitute for medical care. Bioresonance, electromagnetic microcurrent and frequency therapy components are popular in Europe. They are considered experimental and are not evaluated by the FDA/ AMA. No claim or guarantee of cure or relief of conditions was/ is given. Please consult with a medical doctor regarding your medical conditions and treatments. Disclaimer is available by clicking this link:

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Toxins Liver Health and Detox - Tree of Life Acupuncture NYC

 Tree of Life Acupuncture NYC Clinic

32 Union Square E #804, New York, NY 10003
 (917) 613-8810


Our bodies are constantly exposed to toxins.

Toxins are substances created by plants and animals that are poisonous
 (toxic) to humans.

How about humans being toxic to themselves and others?

The liver is a major detoxifying organ and is filters and stores blood in our body. 

Toxic emotions like anger toward ourselves or others can disrupt the liver detox function and create headaches, poor digestion, insomnia, high blood pressure, and much more.

Toxins come in the form of:

Food - Affects digestion ( additives, pesticides, herbicides, parasites)

Poor Digestion - constipation can lead to toxin build-up

Air - Lungs ( mold, bacteria, pollution) 

Thoughts - Whole body, mind & Spirit 

Feelings - Organs and the whole body

Actions - Karma, Consciousness, Mental, Emotional, and Physical state. 

See below a breakdown of each form of toxins described above, below.

Therapies offered at our clinic can help you detox on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level. 

Biofeedback therapy NYCPEMF Therapy in NYCBioresonance therapy NYCCupping therapy NYC
Acupuncture of Master Tung NYCOzone therapy NYCFertility Treatments

A lot of our food supply is contaminated with pesticides, artificial ingredients, and GMOs.

Eat organic food as much as you can. 
Avoid soft drinks, avoid too much red meat,
Eat avocados, and broccoli, supplement with spirulina, and drink green tea to help the detox process and rid the body of low levels of radiation.

Ozone therapy can help kill bacteria, and parasites, reduce the viral load and greatly IMPROVE DIGESTION
Bioresonance Therapy w/acupuncture, Chinese Herbs and Homeopathy

We can install air filters at work or home for better air quality, as well as do breathing exercises like Pranayama, go to the parks, and oceans for a walk or move to a better air quality area. 

I personally live by the beach and keep my window open at night.

Breathing exercises, Air Filters, Yogic Pranayama, 

Thoughts can be toxic. Angry or negative thoughts create negative low vibrations in the spirit, mind and body. 

Negative, toxic thoughts give you "bad vibes" and people will feel it. Your friends loved ones, co-workers, boss or strangers. 

* Be kind, and do some good deeds for yourself and others.
* Focus on kindness, do random acts of kindness for yourself and strangers. 

* Accept yourself the way you are and strive for a better version of yourself.

* Replace the negative thought with positive, focus on what you want in your Life, and take actions, small or large to get closer to your daily goals.

Stress reduction and mental balancing 
Yoga, Tai Chi, Meditation, walk in the park, hiking

Feelings are often the result of our thoughts or actions past present or future.
So basically to resolve bad feelings focus on what would make you feel better and do it.

Each feeling (anger, grief, fear, happiness) in Chinese Medicine is associated with a particular organ and can be balanced.


Actions are self-explanatory and yet very complex. Actions make us proud of ourselves or regret doing them and everything in between.

The best thing to do is to do actions that make us feel like that song "Regrets, I had a few, but then too few to mention".

Actions always lead to some sort of consequences, rewarding or regretful, and everything in between.

Every action is equal and proportional to the reaction and that's the law of Karma or Life dynamics. 

So the best thing is to take good, kind, and peaceful actions, the ones that will make us proud. 

Good actions create good vibrations that others will feel in your presence. Noble actions create mental peace and emotional balance as well as keep your body healthy.

The body and mind connection is undeniable.

Wishing everyone a happy Spring and a toxin-free living.

May your Life be filled with love and joy. Have a nice day!
Mark Moshchinsky, L.Ac (NCCAOM)
Licensed Acupuncturist in NYC and founder of Tree of Life Acupuncture Clinic in NYC.

Copyright 2022 Tree of Life Acupuncture, P.C. New York, NY. All rights reserved. This newsletter and al information contained in it is for information purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent nor are they substitute for medical care. Bioresonance, electromagnetic microcurrent and frequency therapy components are popular in Europe. They are considered experimental and are not evaluated by the FDA/ AMA. No claim or guarantee of cure or relief of conditions was/ is given. Please consult with a medical doctor regarding your medical conditions and treatments. Disclaimer is available by clicking this link: