32 Union Square East #804, New York, NY 1003
Winter season in Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture is associated with the Kidneys.
Kidneys are very important in Chinese Medicine it is the source of Yin and Yang. (Positive/Negative, Hot/Cold)
Kidneys rule the Brain, Water Metabolism and Reproduction.
Kidneys have a special relationship with the Heart/Bladder and the Lungs. You can think of Kidneys as your batteries.(Positive + and Negative -)
According to acupuncture people with dark circles under the eyes may have Kidney imbalance. Weakness in the knees or lower extremities may also point to the kidneys.
Kidneys also rule lower back, so if you have some symptoms that are worse in the Winter (back pain, breathing problems, blood pressure issues (high and low). Low energy levels may also be attributed to the kidneys. As well as infertility and low libido in men or women. If legs are swollen you can be sure that Kidney energy is involved.
Emotional element of kidneys is "Fear", so if someone is exposed to a lot of fear may experience kidney imbalance (anxiety, restlessness insomnia etc.) Because Kidneys have a very special connection and relationship with the Heart, imbalance in one can and often affects the other. (season for the Heart is Summer)
Foods Black in color are good for the Kidneys. Any beans, especially black once, black sesame seeds, walnuts etc.
Read more on foods for Kidneys
Be Well
32 Union Square East #804, New York, NY 1003
For appointment / consult call 212-533-1192
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Winter season in Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture is associated with the Kidneys.
Kidneys are very important in Chinese Medicine it is the source of Yin and Yang. (Positive/Negative, Hot/Cold)
Kidneys rule the Brain, Water Metabolism and Reproduction.
Kidneys have a special relationship with the Heart/Bladder and the Lungs. You can think of Kidneys as your batteries.(Positive + and Negative -)
According to acupuncture people with dark circles under the eyes may have Kidney imbalance. Weakness in the knees or lower extremities may also point to the kidneys.
Emotional element of kidneys is "Fear", so if someone is exposed to a lot of fear may experience kidney imbalance (anxiety, restlessness insomnia etc.) Because Kidneys have a very special connection and relationship with the Heart, imbalance in one can and often affects the other. (season for the Heart is Summer)
Black Beans for Kidney Health |
Black Sesame Seed |
Foods Black in color are good for the Kidneys. Any beans, especially black once, black sesame seeds, walnuts etc.
Read more on foods for Kidneys
Be Well
Mark Moshchinsky, L.Ac(NCCAOM)
Licensed Acupuncturist in NYC