Thursday, April 25, 2013

Acupuncture for seasonal allergies. Allergy relief with acupuncture and Chinese Medicine.

Spring in Acupuncture is associated with the liver.

Liver helps store blood and important for woman's reproductive health as it controls the menstrual cycle. Often responsible for fibroids growth, various abdominal pains etc. Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs successfully can treat reproductive and fertility problems.

Because the color of the liver is green and the taste is sour, eating green goods is good for liver health  (avocados, green peppers, green apples, lemons, limes etc).

acupuncture for allergies

Emotion for the liver is anger, so if you find yourself being irritable or angry, then its  a sing of your liver imbalance. Acupuncture can help relax and circulate the energy
Liver has an energetic relationship with the Gall Bladder and the Heart and is responsible for spreading the energy through the body. Prolonged liver problems can lead irritability, depression, anxiety, irregular heart beat and many others.

acupuncture allergy treatment

Liver is a modern person's disease as it is sensitive to toxins, alcohol and drugs (recreational or prescription). So drink in moderation and remember that medications are not substitutes for healthy nutrition and life style.

Liver is also responsible for seasonal allergies. An estimated 50 Million Americans suffer from different types of allergies. That is 1 in every 5, including indoor and outdoor allergies, skin, food etc. Allergic reactions are on a rise from 1980's

Acupuncture, Chinese Herbs and Homeopathy treat allergies, indulging  running nose, red watery eyes and even skin allergies or skin conditions. Click more to read on allergies

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Acupuncture for Stress

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Be Well
Mark Moshchinsky, L.Ac(NCCAOM)
Licensed Acupuncturist in NYC

32 Union Square East #804, New York, NY 1003
For appointment / consult call 212-533-1192

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