Tree of Life Acupuncture
Acupuncture Health Benefits
32 Union Square East, Suite #804, New York, NY 1003
(212) 533-1192
With the holidays coming, give yourself and someone you know the gift of health for less pain, less stress, weight loss or facial rejuvenation. We accept Flexible Spending Accounts, HSA, BlueCross, Aetna, United, Cigna and offer cost saving packages & gift certificates. click to Buy a Gift Certificate
World Health Organization recommends acupuncture for about 50 medical conditions. Some of the conditions that acupuncture successfully treats are written on this acupuncture model picture. Top three conditions I see in my office are Back Pain/Stress, Sciatica and Infertility.
Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) have centuries of successful documented medical treatments. Acupuncture
needles stimulate and unblock energy (Qi) that flows in acupuncture
meridians or channels, reduce pain and promote holistic health.
Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine is a complete ancient medical
system, with its own diagnosis deeply rooted in Medical Principles of
Yin & Yang. - See more at:
Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) have centuries of successful documented medical treatments. Acupuncture
needles stimulate and unblock energy (Qi) that flows in acupuncture
meridians or channels, reduce pain and promote holistic health.
Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine is a complete ancient medical
system, with its own diagnosis deeply rooted in Medical Principles of
Yin & Yang. - See more at:
Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) have centuries of successful documented medical treatments. Acupuncture
needles stimulate and unblock energy (Qi) that flows in acupuncture
meridians or channels, reduce pain and promote holistic health.
Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine is a complete ancient medical
system, with its own diagnosis deeply rooted in Medical Principles of
Yin & Yang. - See more at:
Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) have centuries of successful documented medical treatments. Acupuncture
needles stimulate and unblock energy (Qi) that flows in acupuncture
meridians or channels, reduce pain and promote holistic health.
Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine is a complete ancient medical
system, with its own diagnosis deeply rooted in Medical Principles of
Yin & Yang. - See more at:
Acupuncture needles stimulate and unblock energy (Qi) that flows in acupuncture meridians or channels, reduce pain and promote holistic health.
Acupuncture needles stimulate nerves and trick your body into believing it is being attacked and the body releases dopamine and endorphins.
Best time to come and seek acupuncture treatments is when you have no problems. Why, because you can focus on body's optimum performance and on maintaining your peak health performance. I would say 2 times a month for a person 35 years of age and older and 1 time a month under 35 unless you are an athlete or have some chronic issues. I personally treat myself 2 times a month and if stressed, up to 3 times a week until balance is reached.
Acupuncture Point in the spot light DU20
This acupuncture point called Du20 at the top of the middle of the head and close to the brain is often used in my acupuncture clinic. I use it for stress and this point often that puts so many of my clients into a sleep/ meditative states and relaxes the mind)
INDICATIONS: Calms the mind, reduces stress, promotes clarity of the mind, reduces insomnia, stress, dizziness and helps with balance.
I compare acupuncture treatments to a SPA or a short vacation effect. You come down relax for 30-40 minutes, reduce the stress, fall asleep and look ( Facial Acupuncture, Acupuncture for weight loss) and feel a lot better. I think its a good deal and we all know about death and taxes, so acupuncture makes death a more distant event. The better you feel and more relaxed, the more you accomplish in your personal and professional life.
Yoga Posture of the Month
Cobra posture works on upper and lower back, on every organ in your body and specifically the Lungs, Kidneys, Endocrine System, Muscles and Tendons, Low and Upper Back and much, much more.
Foods to eat
As it gets colder and our body is 70% water it becomes cooler, so we need to eat energetically warmer foods and drinks. Cooking with ginger and garlic and drinking hot beverages (coffee, tea or warm water) helps digestion ( NO cold or iced water before or during meals )
Be well,
Mark Moshchinsky, LAc (NCCAOM)
Licensed Acupuncturist in NYC
Copyright 2013 Tree of Life Acupuncture, P.C. New York, NY All rights reserved.
This newsletter is for information purposes only and is not intended to diagnose or cure.
Mark Moshchinsky, LAc (NCCAOM)
Licensed Acupuncturist in NYC
Copyright 2013 Tree of Life Acupuncture, P.C. New York, NY All rights reserved.
This newsletter is for information purposes only and is not intended to diagnose or cure.