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Ancient Chinese Masters of acupuncture and Chinese Medicine as well as Chinese Alchemy and many enlightened Yogis and wise enlightened beings renounced possessions and attachments, Buddha, Jesus, Mother Theresa and so on .... why ?

Being happy with little is the key to happiness. Expectations and attachments to anything and anyone bring pain and suffering.
BEING HAPPY with WHAT you CURRENTLY HAVE is the true meaning of HAPPINESS and LIVING in THE NOW.
In fact when you open your eyes you already a very lucky person, because many people did not live to see the day.
I recently adopted motto:
The very idea of Thanksgiving is to be happy for what your have.
It often happens that we all get attached and displeased with daily activities in our everyday lives. It is human nature to want more and ask why me ? However what you focus on is what you get.
So what it means is that if you have a problem to solve you focus on the solution NOT the problem.
One of my teachers answered "why me" question very well. "Why me ?" ..... BECAUSE IT'S YOUR TURN :)
Sh.t happens and sometimes it happens to you and me. Recently one of my patients who is in constant pain, has multiple metal plates insertions after many back surgeries told me.
"Mark if you do not ask me about my pains, I do not tell you and do not complain".
"I keep my spirits high. There are other people who are worse off than me. Everyday in this World is precious."I felt immediate shame, cause I was not happy with few things that day, thinking that not many people are worse off than my patient and he is not complaining, so why am I ?
If you remember there was a boxer named "Hurricane" who was wrongfully accused of murder and spent many, many years in jail including solitary confinement. Giving an interview he said that he was just happy to be in the real World and had no bitterness.
"I open my eyes 99% of my problems are solved" he said.
Once I had a cleaning guy on my apartment floor. He would always whistle and sing and have this really authentic inside out smile. I asked him once why he is always happy all the time, he told me something like this:
" You know I wake up in the morning, I praise the Lord and I am happy for another day." My mind went ..... thaaaaat is ittttt ??? Now my mantra is (whenever I can manage and as often as I can do it). AFTER I OPEN MY EYES, EVERYTHING ELSE IS EXTRA I am going to post this on my wall and igrave it in my mind, and so should you. Be well, Mark Moshchinsky, LAc (NCCAOM) Licensed Acupuncturist in NYC www.NewYorkAcupunctureCenter.com Copyright 2015 Tree of Life Acupuncture, P.C. New York, NY All rights reserved. This newsletter is for information purposes only and is not intended to diagnose or cure.www.newyorkacupuncturecenter.com/disclaimer_privacy.html |