How Do You Find the right Acupuncturist, Doctor or any Healthcare Provider
Tree of Life Acupuncture NYC Center
As an acupuncturist and a healthcare provider, it often perplexes me how some people choose their practitioner in NYC. Why, because most people seem to choose a Dr. by location instead of qualifications and ability to help their medical condition.
The best way to find a great fitting Dr., Acupuncturist or practitioner is to do a research based on 1. Experience and Results 2. Customer Satisfaction 3. then everything else
When I needed a hernia surgery, first, I tried natural therapies like acupuncture, homeopathy, and Chinese herbs. I did reach success until after Yoga practice I ruined the positive healing effects and tore the muscle even more.
I tried first to find a surgeon in New York City, but I was quickly disappointed by the staff and bad manners of some leading hospitals and practitioners. At on of leading NYC hospitals I was asked to pay $500 just to find out how much the surgery would cost, thanks, but no thanks.
After doing a lot of research, I was thoroughly impressed with a James Goodyear. How can you go wrong with the name "Good" :)
I read his testimonials and talked to his patients. I decided to drive to Pennsylvania pay about $200 for a consultation, just to meet the Dr. and have a better feel for the procedure and get evaluated.
The office was well run, and the Dr had a good track record. So I came back had the surgery with success. And little did I know the Dr. Goodyear would be helpful after the surgery.
When I got nauseous after the surgery he asked the nurse to let me stay longer to recover, I appreciated that as I was so sick after the anesthesia and contracting abdominal muscles where the incision was made I was given enough time to stay, cause the nurse rushed me outside, it was not fun at all :(
After I paid the whole amount up front, a few weeks later I received a collection letter from the hospital saying I owed them money. After numerous attempts to reach anyone I turned to Dr. Goodyear's office as I remembered how well the office was run.
I contacted the Dr's office after I started getting collections notices from the hospital. After the call to Dr. Goodyear's office, I received an apology letter from the hospital and everything was taken care of. Another letter came thanking me for using the hospital and how great it was for them to have me there (speak for yourself :)
The moral of the story is you need to RESEARCH your Dr. Acupuncturist or practitioner.
Copyright 2016 Tree of Life Acupuncture , P.C. New York, NY All rights reserved.This newsletter and all information in it is for information purposes only and is not intended to diagnose or cure. Please read disclaimer
Tree of Life Acupuncture NYC Center
32 Union Square E #804, New York, NY 10003
(212) 533-1192
As an acupuncturist and a healthcare provider, it often perplexes me how some people choose their practitioner in NYC. Why, because most people seem to choose a Dr. by location instead of qualifications and ability to help their medical condition.
The best way to find a great fitting Dr., Acupuncturist or practitioner is to do a research based on 1. Experience and Results 2. Customer Satisfaction 3. then everything else
When I needed a hernia surgery, first, I tried natural therapies like acupuncture, homeopathy, and Chinese herbs. I did reach success until after Yoga practice I ruined the positive healing effects and tore the muscle even more.
After doing a lot of research, I was thoroughly impressed with a James Goodyear. How can you go wrong with the name "Good" :)
I read his testimonials and talked to his patients. I decided to drive to Pennsylvania pay about $200 for a consultation, just to meet the Dr. and have a better feel for the procedure and get evaluated.
The office was well run, and the Dr had a good track record. So I came back had the surgery with success. And little did I know the Dr. Goodyear would be helpful after the surgery.
When I got nauseous after the surgery he asked the nurse to let me stay longer to recover, I appreciated that as I was so sick after the anesthesia and contracting abdominal muscles where the incision was made I was given enough time to stay, cause the nurse rushed me outside, it was not fun at all :(
After I paid the whole amount up front, a few weeks later I received a collection letter from the hospital saying I owed them money. After numerous attempts to reach anyone I turned to Dr. Goodyear's office as I remembered how well the office was run.
I contacted the Dr's office after I started getting collections notices from the hospital. After the call to Dr. Goodyear's office, I received an apology letter from the hospital and everything was taken care of. Another letter came thanking me for using the hospital and how great it was for them to have me there (speak for yourself :)
The moral of the story is you need to RESEARCH your Dr. Acupuncturist or practitioner.
Be well,
Mark Moshchinsky, L.Ac (NCCAOM) Licensed Acupuncturist in NYC
Copyright 2016 Tree of Life Acupuncture , P.C. New York, NY All rights reserved.This newsletter and all information in it is for information purposes only and is not intended to diagnose or cure. Please read disclaimer