As an alternative medicine practitioner and a licensed acupuncturist in NYC of 24 years, I always strive to connect with my patients. However, it is a mutual process.
I remember an old Chinese acupuncture book comparing the doctor of acupuncture having powers of a tiger, but requiring humility and actions of a cat (in order to be kind and compassionate towards the patient). Doctors and medical professionals consciously or unconsciously transmit better vibes to those they resonate with, and same goes for social settings. In Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine, acupuncturists transmit his or her own healing energy (Qi) through acupuncture needle insertion. The quality of energy/ Qi depends on the mindset and intentions of the acupuncturist.Doctors and patients agree and disagree for many reasons. A polite form of communication is essential on both sides. There is nothing worse for me in my acupuncture practice than an unhappy patient, whether it is due to miscommunication or healing goals were not achieved as expected. The patient's dissatisfaction frustrates his medical condition and mental states and he or she will not return to my acupuncture practice.
In Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine, we often emphasize on promoting the circulation of Qi and Blood in the body to achieve holistic health and healing. Certain accord and civil form of communication need to be reached to keep the mental and emotional energy flowing as well and for all parties to be on the same page.
Some connections in my NYC acupuncture practice are mutually rewarding based on good treatment results, some friendly and some business-like. It is about all parties being clear and on the same page.
Many New Yorkers are generally stressed and when they come to my office, little things could get some to "blow up" and that is a tough situation to deal with when there is a lack of mutual understanding.
I often avoid certain words that in the past triggered misunderstanding or disputes with my patients and try to use different approaches. I also put special notes in my acupuncture patient charts to indicate if a particular patient needs less or more treatment time, double pillow or they may like the lights on and or the door open or to not talk to them about certain topics.
There are times when I failed and wished I did better using more diplomacy and improve later. Not everyone is meant to be your patient and not everyone is meant to be your doctor, but we sure can try our best to connect.
Be well,
Mark Moshchinsky, L.Ac. (NCCAOM) Licensed Acupuncturist in NYC and founder of Tree of Life Acupuncture Clinic in New York.
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