Tree of Life Acupuncture
The element for the Spleen and Stomach is Earth.
If you experience digestive problems like bloating, constipation or diarrhoea our therapies listed below may help you feel better.
Book appointments online.
There are many Acupuncture points that can regulate and stimulate digestion.
Chinese Herbs can address internal chronic problems related to blood and deep Yin Yang imbalances.
PEMF Therapy can restore the electrical system by raising your voltage, detoxing the body from electrical pollution and energizing the organs and tissue for healing.
Electromedicine Therapy like bioresonance can scan your body for abnormalities and balance it to health using electromagnetic vibrations and frequencies.
For your convenience, we now offer booking appointments online.
SHOP BEST CBD Oil and Vitamins and Minerals
Stay well and healthy,
Mark Moshchinsky, LAc (NCCAOM)
Copyright © 2019 Tree of Life Acupuncture, P.C., New York, NY. All rights reserved. This newsletter is for information purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure. See your primary care physician/ specialist regarding your medical condition or medications.
Late Summer in acupuncture and Chinese Medicine is for the Yang organ of the Stomach and its pair Yin organ Spleen.
Late Summer in NYC is still hot and acupuncturists often recommend eating root vegetables and avoid meat. Meat and chicken in acupuncture and Chinese Medicine are energetically warm and vegetables are cooler. So the hotter it is the cooler foods we should eat since 70% of our body is water.
Both are responsible for digestion which in Acupuncture an Chinese Medicine is considered the source of postnatal energy.
When digestion is good, nutrition, vitamins and minerals can be absorbed easily to build a strong healthy body.
Foods yellow in colors and steamed root vegetables are good for digestion and stomach and Spleen.
The element for the Spleen and Stomach is Earth.
If you experience digestive problems like bloating, constipation or diarrhoea our therapies listed below may help you feel better.
Book appointments online.
There are many Acupuncture points that can regulate and stimulate digestion.
Chinese Herbs can address internal chronic problems related to blood and deep Yin Yang imbalances.
PEMF Therapy can restore the electrical system by raising your voltage, detoxing the body from electrical pollution and energizing the organs and tissue for healing.
Electromedicine Therapy like bioresonance can scan your body for abnormalities and balance it to health using electromagnetic vibrations and frequencies.
For your convenience, we now offer booking appointments online.
SHOP BEST CBD Oil and Vitamins and Minerals
Stay well and healthy,
Mark Moshchinsky, LAc (NCCAOM)
Copyright © 2019 Tree of Life Acupuncture, P.C., New York, NY. All rights reserved. This newsletter is for information purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure. See your primary care physician/ specialist regarding your medical condition or medications.
acupuncture in the summer NYC