Social distancing does not have to mean social isolation! If you have any concerns or questions that you would like to discuss, reach out to us or come visit our clinic.
Take care of yourself and your loved ones. Support local businesses and be empathetic to one another.
It goes without saying, I hope that we will see you again at Tree of Life soon. Be safe and be well.
Stay well and healthy, Mark
Mark Moshchinsky, LAc (NCCAOM)
All information here is for educational purposes only. They are not intended to diagnose nor cure. FDA has not evaluated the above statements. Please see your medical provider(s) regarding your medical conditions and medications. In case of emergency, dial 911.
Copyright © 2020 Tree of Life Acupuncture, P.C., New York, NY. All rights reserved. This newsletter is for information purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure. See your primary care physician/ specialist regarding your medical condition or medications.