Friday, April 22, 2016

New York City Acupuncturist Grows Organic Vegetables Upstate New York

Tree of Life Acupuncture NYC Center
32 Union Square E #804, New York, NY 10003
  (212) 533-1192

New York City life has its Yin and Yang.  Manhattan is exciting, fast paced, stressful, expensive convenient and many other positive and negative all in one city, that never sleeps and does not let you either sometimes.
NYC Acupuncturist
Manhattan people often complain about fast paced life in NYC and rarely leave till lately.  

My NYC, uptown acupuncture colleague referred me a patient, we used to go to the same acupuncture school way back.  So I wanted to reach out and thank him for a few patients that came from him and I treated in my acupuncture practice wich was more conveniently located for some clients in the lower part of Manhattan on Union Square.
Tree of Life Acupuncture NYC Clinic
(It takes 4 years of college just to get into an acupuncture school and then another 4 to complete the acupuncture program.)

When I finally called Jim, he told me that he moved Upstate New York and now grows organic vegetables (he must be still practicing acupuncture as well locally).
NYC acupuncturist
He told me, he did not miss the city and rarely travels to Manhattan. 

I was kind of taken back and surprised, cause I for a long time wanted to move to Harlem, just about the only place with so many parks and air much cleaner than the rest of the city.

Jim told me he did not miss the City, he was more relaxed and stress-free.  I always remembered him well dressed in good suits and now ... a farmer ?

I also remembered my other late fellow acupuncturist who lived in Upper Manhattan and talked about growing organic herbs in Brazil.

After many unsuccessful co-ops and condo bids, I decided to stay in Brooklyn, by the ocean.  I travel about 50 minutes back and forth reading New York Times, meditating, sleeping, relaxing. 

I do get a seat on the train most of the time and feel that with the money I save on Manhattan rents, it's like getting paid $100 each way I take the trip to my Union Square acupuncture office.

Before I started working in the City, I was thinking of moving there one day, but after spending many work days at the clinic and then staying up late, I enjoy coming to Brooklyn, where I live by the beach, have an ocean view from my balcony.

I noticed that a lot of my foreign acupuncture patients love it here in America and New York telling me that they rather give up social European benefits and have more freedom of paying their own taxes out of much bigger salaries.

I noticed that those who moved to America and particularly New York are either self-employed Europeans or pursue ambitious plans to succeed. I was surprised there as well.

Do you know someone who either moved out of NYC to do something different or moved into Manhattan for the same reason ? 

Be well,
Mark Moshchinsky, L.Ac (NCCAOM)
Licensed Acupuncturist in NYC
Copyright 2016 Tree of Life Acupuncture , P.C. New York, NY All rights reserved.This newsletter and all information in it is for information purposes only and is not intended to diagnose or cure. Please read disclaimer Sonmore +Galina Semyonova +Elie Goldschmidt +Jim Strickler 

Sunday, April 17, 2016

NYC in the Spring - Liver in Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine

NYC acupuncture Spring time
Green is liver color. Liver controls the eyes

Tree of Life Acupuncture New York City Center
32 Union Square E #804, New York, NY 10003
  (212) 533-1192


Spring in NYC was very unpredictable this year, to say the least. First, we had an early Spring and all New Yorkers were ecstatic, then it got cold, then we had snow, then warm etc, you get the picture.

Nobody like New Yorkers are happy on sunny Spring days, cause we do not take them for granted. But is it possible that there might be another explanation ? 

Someone in an elevator in Manhattan in NYC where my acupuncture office is said it best. In New York, we have 4 seasons in one day !

acupuncture, Chinese Medicine and liverIn acupuncture and Chinese Medicine, the Liver is associated with the springtime. I also read that one of the acupuncture and Chinese Medicine scholars said; "Liver is the source of all evil" :(

What ... you may say, well for starters anger is the emotion for the liver and it damages the organ. Acohol is also bad fo the liver and so are the drugs prescription or recreational and so are the toxins in the food, blood etc.

Stagnant energy makes us depressed so the Spring gives the liver a kick in the pants to go and "move it, move it". 

We feel rejuvenated and young when the energy is properly circulating in the body nourishing organs and the mind.

However if the liver function is impaired, the person may be more irritable, angry, develope temple or top of head headaches and a host of other digestive and reproductive symptoms. 

So why are people feel awaken in the Spring ? Any good news for the poor liver ? 

Liver spreads the energy (Qi) in the body and that is why we are all so alive and well when the Springtime comes, we must be moving our energy around. 

Liver is the only organ that can rejuvenate itself, so be hopeful and help it do its job by cultivating proper lifestyle, mental attitude towards yourself and others as well as eating habits.

Eat green foods to help the liver apples, avocados, spinach. Drink alcohol in moderation, avoid anger etc.   Good luck to you and your liver :)

What is your  Springtime story ?

Be well,
Mark Moshchinsky, L.Ac (NCCAOM) Licensed Acupuncturist in NYC and founder of
Copyright 2016 Tree of Life Acupuncture, P.C. New York, NY All rights reserved
This newsletter and all information in it is for information purposes only and is not intended to diagnose or cure. Please read disclaimer

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

NYC Acupuncturist state of mind | Definition of insanity | How many treatments, when is enough ?

Tree of Life Acupuncture NYC waiting roomTree of Life Acupuncture New York City Center
32 Union Square E #804, New York, NY 10003
  (212) 533-1192


As a NYC practicing acupuncturist, I know that there are many times when many fast-paced Manhattan clients will not stick around if I do not produce results in a short or reasonable time.

I recently had a call from a new client wanting to do acupuncture and bio-resonance therapy on an advice of her German friend. (bio-resonance is very popular in Germany and reimbursable by medical insurance).
acupuncture NYC tretments
After I basically answered yes to every "Can you do this, can I do that" of the patient, she said, she wanted to think about it.

The new client told me she has been going to a holistic Dr for over three years and after muscle testing the doctor would give her herbs. The woman told me she was doing fine with that kind of therapy. 

I asked her if she was doing fine, why she was seeking new therapies ? After resisting a bit she agreed that she was not doing so well and was losing hair due to her thyroid condition. After I explained to her that in acupuncture and Chinese Medicine it would be related to Kidney energy deficiency and blood and I helped others in the past, the client said she would stick with her current
3-year-old therapy.

As someone once said to me, and I never forgot, "NOT EVERYONE IS MEANT TO BE YOUR CLIENT".  I was fine with her not coming to see me, but thought to myself, how many office visits or time is needed to know things are working or its time to move on to new approaches.

I was thinking of the definition of insanity and thought to myself, isn't 3 years is a lot not to feel better ? So I came up with a timeline for acupuncture and many other treatments when it is time to expect results and move on to another practitioner or use other forms of therapy.

So I would say if someone treats pain, then with acupuncture or any other therapy you should notice some changes within 6 visits. 

I actually would say that for any type of pain, of any origin you need to benefit in some ways within this time frame.
As a matter of fact, many acupuncturists on many occasions can deliver pain relieve within 3-5 minutes of needle insertion and I have often seen it in my clinic. But it's not always the case.

If someone is treating an internal condition, then 1 to 3 months in most cases is enough to notice some positive changes. In some chronic cases or cases, for example, natural fertility with acupuncture and Chinese herbs conception can be achieved within in 1 to 6 months.

I am sure there are exceptions to many rules, but in my experience if you wait too long doing the same thing with no results, that is insanity :)

What is your story ?

Be well,
Mark Moshchinsky, L.Ac (NCCAOM)
Licensed Acupuncturist in NYC
Copyright 2016 Tree of Life Acupuncture, P.C. New York, NY All rights reservedThis newsletter and all information in it is for information purposes only and is not intended to diagnose or cure. Please read disclaimer