Thursday, November 17, 2022

Thanksgiving - NYC Acupuncturist veiw on why be thankful?

Tree of Life Acupuncture NYC Clinic

32 Union Square E #804, New York, NY 10003
 (917) 613-8810

Thanksgiving is gratitude to me.  

Thanksgiving is about being thankful, and why not be thankful every day? "Have a nice day gets a new meaning."

What have you done to "have a nice day" or a better day today? What are you waiting for?  

It's important to count your blessings as it is very easy to get caught up in daily or life's misfortunes.

thanksgiving NYC
No matter what happens in our lives, there are always good things that are happening. We just need to count and tally them to remind ourselves that there is always light at the end of the tunnel.

There is always sun and sometimes rainbows after the rain.

As a licensed acupuncturist in NYC, I often see sick people and sometimes unhappy ones, (the ones who should be happy sometimes, and are not) so I learn from others.

Your brain produces dopamine and endorphins when you think of good things happening in your life. It also motivated you to see good and do good deeds as well as set yourself up for looking and creating favorable experiences for yourself and others.

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The best gratitude I ever heard came from "Hurricane" Karter. He was wrongfully imprisoned for a long time.  When he was vindicated and Oprah Winfrey asked him if he was angry after being in jail for 20 or so years, he said no...

"When I open my eyes 99% of my problems are solved". Imagine that. Now that is thankful and that is true Thanksgiving.

I have a file called "count your blessings". On bad days, I write about what good happened to me that day and try to generate good experiences.

I included gratitude and counting my blessings in my daily meditations.  

Anyone can express mental or written gratitude to elevate their spirits, mind and even physical health to a better level. 

It could be something as simple as a kind stranger smiling or bumping into a friend.

To sum up the Thanksgiving holiday, I would like to quote a song called "Count Your Blessings" by Mattel.  "Make yourself at home again, count your blessing 1 to 10".

I am thankful for my parents who supported my ambition to become a licensed acupuncturist and helped me with my first acupuncture clinic in NYC on Union Square.

I am thankful for being alive and being athletic and able to appreciate beautiful things in life!

Mark Moshchinsky, L.Ac (NCCAOM) Licensed Acupuncturist in NYC and founder of Tree of Life Acupuncture Clinic in NYC.

Copyright 2022 Tree of Life Acupuncture, P.C. New York, NY All rights reserved This newsletter and all information in it is for information purposes only and is not intended to diagnose or cure. Please read the disclaimer

Happy Thanksgiving. May yours be filled with love and joy.

Have a nice day!

Mark Moshchinsky, L.Ac 

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